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This page describes the GitLab CI/CD pipeline that is used by the MSU Libraries team to deploy the Docker services as multiple stacks in a multi-node Docker swarm cluster.

The catalog-preview branch represents the staging environment for changes before they will be deployed to the production environments. This.

The main branch represents the stable production environment. Branches with the prefix of review- or devel- will create separate stacks on the cluster, auto-provisioning DNS CNAMES as part of the pipeline.

The workflow for developers will be to make code changes on devel- environments, then merge them in to the catalog-preview branch, and once a semester (approximately), we will merge that branch into the main branch to deploy to production. Occassionally there may be changes that need to go to production sooner, in that case they will be merged to from the devel- branches to BOTH the catalog-preview and the main branch.


  • branch: main,
    stack prefix: catalog-beta (catalog-beta-catalog, catalog-beta-solr, catalog-beta-mariadb, etc.),
    url: (local DNS C-Record to
    stack prefix: catalog-prod (catalog-prod-catalog, catalog-prod-solr, catalog-prod-mariadb, etc.),
    url: (local DNS C-Record to

  • branch: catalog-preview,
    stack prefix: catalog-preview (catalog-preview-catalog,catalog-preview-solr,catalog-preview-mariadb`, etc.),
    url: (local DNS C-Record to

  • branch: review-some-feature,
    stack prefix: review-some-feature (review-some-feature-catalog, review-some-feature-solr, review-some-feature-mariadb, etc.),

  • branch: devel-some-feature,
    stack prefix: devel-some-feature (devel-some-feature-catalog, devel-some-feature-solr, devel-some-feature-mariadb, etc.),

  • branch: nothing-special
    stack prefix: None, no environment created
    url: None, no environment created


The traefik stack is shared by all of the stacks because it controls routing public requests to the relavent stack based on the host name. branch: wip-code, no url

The devel and review environments will have the following extra characteristics: * An extra job in the pipeline that can be manually run to cleanup the environment when you are done with it * Only a subset of the harvest records will be imported

Pipeline Stages & Jobs


branches: main, catalog-preview, devel-, and review-
* Runs templates included with GitLab CI/CD to scan for secrets used in committed code * Runs shellcheck on all bash scripts in the repository


branches: main, catalog-preview, devel-, and review-
* Builds all of the images in this repository, tagging them with latest only if it the main branch * When building the VuFind image, it will also perform unit testing of the Catalog module


branches: main, catalog-preview, devel-, and review-
* Will set the STACK_NAME variable that is used throughout the pipeline, which is essentially the branch name unless the branch does not start with devel-, review- or is main * Will make updates to the docker compose files and copy them to the AWS servers. The updates include changing the image tag from :latest to the current commit sha and modifying services based on the STACK_NAME * Will call the playbook that creates a DNS record for devel and review environments if necessary * Deploy both the traefik (which handles routing of public traffic to the different enviornments hosted on the swarm) and the internal network used by the MariaDB Galera services within the indivudual environment) * Will bootstrap the solr and mariadb stacks if they have not already been (i.e. this is the first time running this job for this branch) * Deploys the catalog, solr, swarm-cleanup, and mariadb stacks. If this is a devel or review environment, it will import a single marc file into the vufind instance as test data * Runs VuFind version upgrades, if applicable * If on a the main branch, it will run functional testing with the tests in the Catalog module * If it is a devel- or review- branch, it will populate the environment with sample data * Evaluate the health of the services on all nodes


branches: devel- and review-
* Removes the stacks, their volumes, and runs the playbook to remove the DNS record created for the environment


branches: main
* Creates a release tag for the current commit * Pushes the latest changes to Github and publishes the Github Pages onces the Github Action job should have completed that compiles the docs


At this time, the following variables need to be defined in the project's CI/CD settings to be available to the pipeline. While it is ok for variables to be marked as masked, they can not be marked as protected; otherwise they will not be available in the devel- and review- pipelines. You may need to define the same variable multiple times, but for each environment, so that each site has different values. For example, your development environments might have different values for FOLIO_URL then the production environment. This is done using the scope setting in the variables menu. And the scope value is the branch name you want to match it to followed by a wildcard (*). For example: devel-mytest*.

  • AUTH_FTP_USER: User name for the authority marc file FTP server
  • AWS_KEY: The AWS access key to use when provisioning the DNS CNAME records
  • AWS_SECRET: The AWS secret for the AWS_KEY uses when provisioning the DNS CNAME records
  • BASICAUTH_FOR_RESOURCES: Bcrypt password hash1 for basic authentication to internal resources such as Solr and the Traefik dashboard
  • BROWZINE_LIBRARY: Library ID for BrowZine (LibKey)
  • BROWZINE_TOKEN: BrowZine API token (LibKey)
  • DEPLOY_KEY: GitLab read-only deploy key base64 encoded
  • DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY: The base64 encoded private ssh key to the deploy server
  • EDS_ORG: Organization ID for the EDS API
  • EDS_PASS: Password for the EDS_USER username
  • EDS_PROFILE: Profile name for EDS
  • EDS_USER: Username for the EDS API
  • EMAIL: Email address set in Vufind's configs
  • FEEDBACK_EMAIL: Email address for sending feedback form submissions to (internal and external)
  • FEEDBACK_PUBLIC_EMAIL: Email address for sending external feedback form submissions to
  • FOLIO_CANCEL_ID: The FOLIO cancelation ID to use when canceling an order. Vufind uses 75187e8d-e25a-47a7-89ad-23ba612338de by default
  • FOLIO_PASS: Password for the FOLIO_USER application user used by Vufind
  • FOLIO_REC_ID: Record ID in FOLIO to search for to verify the tenant is available
  • FOLIO_URL: Okapi URL for FOLIO used by Vufind
  • FOLIO_USER: Application user used by Vufind for ILS calls
  • HLM_FTP_USER: User name for the EBSCO FTP server
  • GITHUB_USER_TOKEN: Token used to publish releases to GitHub repository
  • MATOMO_SEARCHBACKEND_DIMENSION: ID for the custom dimension in Matomo to track the search backend used for the request
  • MATOMO_SITE_ID: Matomo site identifer for the website you want the analytics sent to
  • MATOMO_URL: Matomo URL to send the analytics to
  • OAI_URL: URL for making OAI calls to FOLIO when harvesting (can include API Token)
  • RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for reCaptcha form validation
  • RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY: Site key for reCaptcha form validation
  • REGISTRY_ACCESS_TOKEN: Read-only registry access token used by deploy user
  • RW_CICD_TOKEN: Read-Write access token to this repository used to create release tags
  • SESSION_BOT_SALT: Secure random string used in creating persisting session ids for bots (when bot_agent values are set)
  • SIMPLESAMLPHP_ADMIN_PW: Password to the admin interface of SimpleSAMLphp
  • SIMPLESAMLPHP_SALT: Random salt for SimpleSAMLphp

Scheduled Pipelines

For the Ansible image to build overnight, saving time on regular daily builds, we can set up a scheduled pipeline to run off-hours in GitLab. This is done in the Schedules tab in the CI/CD page of GitLab. You should configure it for the main branch and set it to run at whatever time is convienient for your team.

Deploy Freezes

If you want to prevent deployments to the production environment during certain times, you can make use of GitLab's Deploy Freeze feature. Simply enter in a timeframe using cron-style syntax in the "Deploy Freeze" section of the CI/CD Settings of the repository.

  1. There are many ways to generate this password hash, such as online generators or command line tools (like htpasswd in the apache-utils package, for example: htpasswd -B -C 10 -n [username]). For Traefik performance reasons, we recommend you use a brcypt cost value of 10.