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Instance Setup

What is an instance?

An instance is where you actually start developing your application. It contains all of the processing you might do as well as the design of your pages. All of these build upon the already included core Sandhill feature sets. Out of the box, Sandhill provides a range of data processors and Jinja2 template filters; but one has a simple "It Works!" template. It is up to you to develop everything in between to make your application have the feature set you desire! Think of it as Sandhill providing the core framework and your instance is your implementation of an application using that framework.

Basic structure of the instance directory

All of the files in the below directories are dynamically loaded without additional configuration needed. None of these directories require files to be present for the site to load, but are used to add functionality to it.

├── sandhill.cfg
├── bootstrap/
├── commands/
├── config/
│   └── routes/
├── filters/
├── static/
└── templates/


Configuration parameters can be passed either in a config file or via environment variables on the host machine. Environment variables either at the host level (in /etc/environment) or at the application level (in a .env in the same directory as where the instance/ directory is).

To see what default values will be used if none are passed, see the sandhill.default_settings.cfg file in the sandhill/ directory.


Each file within this directory should contain code to be run at start-up.

For example:

print("Bootstrap test")
Which would add "Bootstrap test" to the start-up logs. A real world example would be if you need to compile SCSS.


This directory is used to include additional Click commands to your application.

For example:

import click
from sandhill import app

def hi(name):
    print(f"Hi {name}!")
Would allow you to run:
$ flask hi bob
Hi bob!


A route defines a URL pattern that Sandhill will match. Any request to Sandhill that does not match a route will return a 404 page. Most routes are configured to render a Jinja2 template (typically resulting in an HTML page), but can also return a stream of data (such as an image or downloadable file), or even use a processor built to return a response that doesn't conform to either of the above. See the routes documentation for more details and examples.


Files within this directory are loaded to add to the default set of filters already included in Sandhill.

Each filter will be available to all templates used within the application.

An example filter: instance/filters/

from sandhill import app

def islist(value):
    """ Check if a value is a list """
    return isinstance(value, list)

Would provide the ability to do this in your template: instance/templates/home.html.j2:

<p>Is myvar a list? {{ myvar | is_list }}</p>


Processors are what are called in the route configs to provide data or data processing before rendering a template or streaming output. For example if your home page requires you make a database call to get information for the page then you might have a database processor. See the data processors documentation for further details and examples.


This directory contains any static content used by your application, such as CSS or JS files.


The templates directory contains Jinja2 template files that can be referenced by your route configs. They have the ability to access the built-in or custom filters and all of the variables made available by your route configs (referenced by the name of the data item). Refer to the examples within the routes documentation to see the available variables.

You can see the default included template to start with, but see Jinja2 documentation for the full range of options.