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Sandhill's Bootstrap Process

The bootstrap process is how Sandhill initializes itself and starts running, and is done before any requests are able to be served. This whole process takes only a few seconds and runs automatically.

Bootstrap Steps

  1. The Flask application is created
  2. Core bootstrap functionality initiated
    • Include instance/ path for templates and static path routes
    • Load the sandhill.cfg config file
    • Configure logging
  3. Load code from both core Sandhill and the site instance (in that order for each item)
    • Bootstrap files in bootstrap/
    • Command files from commands/
    • Template filters from filters/
    • Context functionality from context/
  4. Load routes from instance/config/routes/

Adding Instance Bootstrap Code

Adding code specific to your instance into Sandhill is as simple as placing your code into one of the appropriate directories:

  • instance/bootstrap/
  • instance/commands/
  • instance/filters/
  • instance/context/

There is technically no difference between the above directories other than the order in which they are loaded. Any Python (.py) file located in the above directories will be auto-loaded upon Sandhill's start.

Adding or editing a Python file located in the above after Sandhill has started will not be loaded until Sandhill is restarted.

Core Sandhill Bootstrap Files

If you're curious, have a look at the bootstrap source code of Sandhill over at the API reference page.