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Writing & Running Tests

Writing Tests

VuFind has extensive documentation on writing unit tests for your custom code. Particularly note the Related Video links at the bottom, which are very helpful in getting started.

Running Tests

We have included in this repository a script to run the commands for both unit tests and code quality tests.

# From within a running VuFind container

Coverage Tests

To get the current coverage status:

# From within a running VuFind container

You can also locally view coverage progress in an html page by running an image on your computer.

# Build the image locally
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --build-arg VUFIND_VERSION="9.1.2" --build-arg SIMPLESAMLPHP_VERSION="2.1.1" --tag validate vufind/
# Run the image locally
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/vufind/module/Catalog:/usr/local/vufind/module/Catalog -v /tmp/coverage:/usr/local/vufind/coverage validate bash
# Update phpunit settings
mv module/Catalog/tests/vufind_phpunit.xml module/VuFind/tests/phpunit.xml
# Generate the coverage report
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage vendor/bin/phing phpunitfaster -D "phpunit_extra_params=/usr/local/vufind/module/Catalog/tests/unit-tests/ --coverage-html coverage"

Now go to your browser at file:///tmp/coverage/index.html to view the interactive report to easily identify gaps.

That same locally built docker image can be used to run the code quality tests as well as the unit tests.

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/vufind/module/Catalog:/usr/local/vufind/module/Catalog -v /tmp/coverage:/usr/local/vufind/coverage validate bash