Job Schedules
This page lists the current schedule for all the jobs that run on a regular
All Cron Jobs
Environment |
Container |
Job |
Time |
prod |
Solr Cron |
Alphabrowse Rebuild |
1:15am every day (build on node 1 ) |
beta |
Solr Cron |
Alphabrowse Rebuild |
2:15am every day (build on node 2 ) |
preview |
Solr Cron |
Alphabrowse Rebuild |
3:15am every day (build on node 3 ) |
prod |
VuFind Cron |
FOLIO harvest & Import |
3am - 11pm @ :00 and :30 |
beta |
VuFind Cron |
FOLIO harvest & Import |
3am - 11pm @ :15 |
preview |
VuFind Cron |
FOLIO harvest & Import |
3am - 11pm @ :45 |
prod |
VuFind Cron |
HLM harvest & Import |
2:30am every day |
beta |
VuFind Cron |
HLM harvest & Import |
2:15am every day |
preview |
VuFind Cron |
HLM harvest & Import |
2:45am every day |
prod |
VuFind Cron |
Authority harvest & Import |
4:30am every day |
beta |
VuFind Cron |
Authority harvest & Import |
4:15am every day |
preview |
VuFind Cron |
Authority harvest & Import |
4:45am every day |
prod |
VuFind Cron |
Course Reserves Import |
Every hour @ :10 |
beta |
VuFind Cron |
Course Reserves Import |
Every hour @ :20 |
preview |
VuFind Cron |
Course Reserves Import |
Every hour @ :50 |
all |
VuFind Cron |
Clear old VuFind searches |
12:00am every day |
all |
VuFind Cron |
Clear old VuFind sessions |
12:15am, 6:15am, 6:15pm every day |
prod, beta, preview |
VuFind Cron |
Clear VuFind cache |
At container start |
devel-*, review-* |
VuFind CacheCron |
Clear VuFind cache |
At container start and every 5 minutes |
Which node the VuFind Cron container lives on for each environment
Environment |
VuFind Cron Node |
prod |
1 |
beta |
2 |
preview |
3 |
devel-*, review* |
- |
Which node the Solr Cron container lives on for each environment
Environment |
Solr Cron Node |
prod |
1 , 2 , 3 |
beta |
1 , 2 , 3 |
preview |
1 , 2 , 3 |
devel-*, review* |
1 , 2 , 3 |